Mom Weekend

Camp is FUN. Why should that fun be limited to just your kids? This purposeful weekend is a chance for you to laugh, listen, and talk with other women and get away from things that normally distract you. Come join us for a weekend packed with opportunities for connection.  

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Abiding in the Vine

The fun starts Friday night with dinner and our first session about "If the Flourishing Life is Possible", conversations, hiking and dessert before bed. Our final session for "Living the Fruitful Life," will conclude the weekend. In between you’ll get to participate in an array of activities to participate in together that are extra but not mandatory. Activities for the weekend include: Pontoon at West Branch, Canoeing, Archery, Axe-Throwing, Paintball, Big Zip, Giant Swing, Painting, and Horseback, among others. We’ll start Saturday with a breakfast, breakout sessions, and end the day with our second session on "Counterfeit Vines." Sunday will wrap up with breakfast and our closing session. Join us for this unforgettable weekend with other women!

The theme this year is Abiding in the Vine: Pursuing the Flourishing Life Found in Jesus. We will dive deep into John 15 and what our lives could like when we follow His instruction and abide in Him. Included amenities: 2 Camp Carl activities, heated pool, lake activities, hiking, breakout sessions, amazing food, and more!


Big Zip
Giant Swing


Horse Trail Ride
Paint & Coffee
DIY Terracotta Planter
Check-In: Friday from 5:00-6:30pm, dinner following
New  2024
2 Activities Included in Cost
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September 6, 2024
Retreat Speaker
Kristen Tiber
Kristen Tiber is an author and speaker who loves to teach the Word of God and encourage women to grow in their faith, find their purpose, and live with hope.

Why Camp Carl?

Camp Carl is fully committed to partnering with families in the nurturing, development, and guidance of children and adolescents. We believe this week – and every week – matters in the life of a child. So we plan to make this a time they’ll never forget!

This is achieved through our positive, energetic emphasis on a personal relationship with God through Christ Jesus, and the understanding that everyone is created in the image of God.