Entering 3rd - 6th Grades
Entering 6th - 8th Grades
Entering 9th - 12th Grades
5th - 12th Grades
Included in every summer camp week!
Campers, choose your own elective!
Entering 1st - 4th Grades
Entering 9th -12th Grades
Host your Retreat at Camp Carl
Our latest upcoming programs
A 12-month leadership development residency at Camp Carl
Find ways you can support our ministry
Give the gift of your time
Share your financial resources
Learn about who we are
Get to know our year-round staff
Get to know our governing board
Check out what we have to offer
Honoring Our Past. Moving Boldly into the Future!
Reconnect with Camp Carl
Reach out to our team
Apply for financial assistance
Join us in prayer! Each month we will focus on a theme and a scripture.
Parent Resources for after Summer Camp
Stay connected