The Delta Leadership Residency

Launching Christian leaders into our world with confidence and direction

Leadership development

The Delta Leadership Residency

We are a 12-month leadership development experience for adults ages 18-24. You will receive next-level academics with real-world training to help you become a lifelong learner. Our program is designed to prepare you for what lies ahead. You benefit by:

Discovering who you are in Jesus, what your interests are, and how you can serve this world

Developing the ability to create, design, and execute a plan for ministry that is Christ-centered, relationally focused, and incredibly FUN

Gaining a network of Christian leaders invested in your future

Loving the next generation and learning how to disciple them

Building biblical friendships and how to communicate with integrity

Fueling a passion to influence our world with hope and joy

The 6 Delta Anchors

Our path to unlocking our new life in Jesus


Biblical Learning

Ministry Experience

Purposeful Trips

Community Life


Intentional Spiritual Formation

You will be challenged, equipped, and encouraged through solid academics, practical leadership skills, and deep spiritual development. This training will culminate in a 12-week capstone experience as Camp Carl summer staff where will you put your skills into action.

The Classroom

Seeing Jesus in all of scripture

Reading books to enhance our expertise

Learning from professionals and professors

Designing programming for ministry

Ministry Work

Be involved in local church ministry

Serve and host retreat weekends

Schedule programming for two weeks of day camp

Work as summer staff at Camp Carl


ServeSafe® Food Handler

American Lifeguard and Safety Training™️

ACCT Certified (Association for Challenge Course Technology)

Ohio Boating License

Leadership Training

Mentoring from community leaders

Instruction and inspiration from guest professors

Experience in ministry and hospitality

Equipping in an environment of accountability and grace

What You Receive

Room and Board

Educational Expenses

5 Different Trips

Weekly Meals with Leaders

Monthly $400 Stipend

Total Value


Total Cost to you


After Discounts and Work

Academic Partners

Our program has been built with Anchor Christian University to provide up to 24 college credits that transfer smoothly across different colleges.


/'deltə/ • noun

A distinct point where a single river changes course and diverges into channels that flow into a larger sea. The Delta Leadership Residency offers the potential to experience course change and personal defining moments that direct the flow of your life toward new possibilities and opportunities.


Program Leadership

Tim Keene, Director of The Delta Leadership Residency, has 15+ years of ministry experience as a pastor, teacher, coach, and camp program director. He loves being outside, keeping active, and playing. His wife Sarah and three children (Carter, Norah, and Lilah) are his favorite people to enjoy life with.

Allie Kawiecki, Programming Manager of The Delta Leadership Residency, was raised in Connecticut, and graduated from Liberty University. During her free time, you can find her playing lacrosse or hanging with friends! Allie is passionate about discipleship and desires to use her gifts to help raise up the next generation for Christ.


 When does this program start and end?

The first day of the program is Monday, August 26, 2024, and is designed to end after the following summer camp season in August, 2025.

Where will we be living?

You receive housing in one of four cabin apartments that have been remodeled and updated to be all-season ready with heat, air conditioning, full baths, and full furnishings. An additional cabin has been remodeled to be a community hub with a full kitchen, eating area, living room, and laundry. All are equipped with Wi-Fi.

What kind of trips will we go on?

We will take 5 trips during the course of the program. These trips vary in purpose, but each is designed to enhance our leadership skills. We will spend a week serving on a missions team, we will take two adventure trips that include activities like backpacking and whitewater rafting, and we will retreat together for training and spiritual formation.

When are applications due?

Applications are always being accepted. The program is open to 16 students, so apply as soon as possible to be considered for the upcoming academic year.

Do I have to work at Camp Carl before being eligible for this program?

You do not have to be employed at Camp Carl before applying. It is an easy on-ramp but not required. The expectation is that you will work the summer that follows your program year, but special requests will be considered. 

What does a typical week look like?

Every morning, we will have staff meetings and daily devotions. Throughout the week, you will have time to work on your coursework, join a Camp Carl department team, learn from mentors and learn to mentor others, engage in a local college ministry called Campus Focus, and hear from engaging and experienced guest speakers. On weekends, we will often be hosting retreats and serving to provide programming along with Camp Carl staff. Typically, you will be off most Sundays and Mondays. We desire that you attend a vibrant local church on Sundays, and can help you get connected that way, if needed.

The Delta Leadership Residency

Lets Connect!

Current stage of life
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